You are coming from : Rennes or Caen Cherbourg Route Calculator
Exit the A84 highway at Avranches and take the direction of Granville on the D973.
Take the N13 Highway to Valognes then the D900 to Lessay.
At Lessay take the D2 to Coutances then the D971 to Granville.
At Granville take the direction of Avranches on the D971 and 25 Km later you are at the Montviron Crossroad.
6 Km from Avranches, on the D973 take the direction of Montviron on the D41.
4,5 Km later, you'll reach the D105 crossroad.
You are facing the Manor.
Route Calculator :
Vialys, Service de calcul d´itinéraires